UNDP Collaborates with Global and Local Partners to Chart Pakistan’s Low-Emission Development Strategy

Islamabad: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has joined forces with German development cooperation and UNICEF, in coordination with Pakistan’s Ministry of Climate Change and Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, to facilitate a workshop focused on Pakistan’s transition to a low-emission economy. The event marked a pivotal step in establishing a comprehensive roadmap aimed at decarbonizing Pakistan’s economy through a joint Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) work plan.

According to United Nations Development Programme, the workshop gathered approximately 250 participants from various sectors, including government, private sector, academia, and development organizations. Dr. Samuel Rizk, UNDP Resident Representative in Pakistan, and Ms. Mellisa Corkum, Acting UNICEF Representative in Pakistan, addressed the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving a sustainable, low-carbon future.

The workshop featured insightful presentations and discussions, emphasizing the critical role of strategic planning and public-private partnerships in meeting Pakistan’s climate goals. Ms. Romina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator to the PM on Climate Change, highlighted the need for integrated actions to pursue the nation’s net-zero objectives effectively.

Key sessions included a detailed scenario modeling exercise by the Millennium Institute, which equipped stakeholders with tools to explore viable pathways towards net-zero emissions. A panel discussion titled ‘Strategic Pathways to Decarbonization’ shed light on necessary steps for a just transition to a greener economy, involving gender-responsive strategies and the empowerment of women in leadership roles within the green sector.

The event concluded with a reaffirmation of international support, notably from Mr. Wolfgang Hesse of GIZ, who expressed Germany’s ongoing commitment to assisting Pakistan in fulfilling its Paris Agreement obligations and promoting sustainable development initiatives.

This collaborative workshop underlines the significant progress being made towards formulating a strategic LT-LEDS for Pakistan, promising a more resilient and environmentally sustainable future.