UN Secretary-General Stresses Critical Role of Youth Skills for Global Peace and Sustainability

Karachi: On World Youth Skills Day 2024, UN Secretary-General underscored the essential role of equipping young people with the necessary skills to address global challenges and contribute to peace and sustainable development.

According to United Nations Pakistan, the Secretary-General highlighted the pressing need for substantial investment in education to close a $100 billion annual financing gap in low and middle-income countries. He pointed out the stark reality that nearly a quarter of the world’s youth are neither employed nor receiving education or training, with the rate notably higher among young women. Emphasizing the proven correlation between peace, educational expenditure, and school completion rates, he called for enhanced efforts to provide youth with opportunities for skill development in areas crucial for the future, such as the green and digital economies, and tools to counteract hate speech and misinformation.

The Secretary-General urged global leaders and communities to transform educational systems and ensure that young people are prepared to lead efforts towards a more peaceful and sustainable world.