UN Committee to Review Child Rights Implementation in Nine Countries

Geneva, The UN Child Rights Committee (CRC) is set to review the child rights practices of Namibia, Guatemala, Georgia, Mali, Panama, Egypt, Bhutan, Estonia, and Paraguay during its session from May 6 to May 24. These nations are among the 196 States parties to the Child Rights Convention and will undergo scrutiny regarding their adherence to the convention and its Optional Protocols, as well as the implementation of the committee’s previous recommendations.

According to Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the reviews will be conducted through public dialogues with the state delegations of the nine countries. These discussions aim to evaluate the progress and challenges in implementing the convention’s provisions on various child rights issues. Notably, Panama will also present its initial report under the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution, and child pornography (OPSC).

The public dialogues are scheduled across specific dates in May and will take place at the Palais Wilson in Geneva. These sessions will be accessible to accredited journalists and broadcast live on UN Web TV. The reviews are critical in fostering global accountability and enhancing the protection and promotion of children’s rights across diverse legal and cultural contexts.