U.S. Consul General Announces Large Donation of Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines for Lahore

Lahore, September 14, 2021 (PPI-OT): U.S. Consul General to Lahore William K. Makaneole stated: “I am thrilled to announce that the U.S. donation of 320,580 doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for Lahore arrived last Friday, September 10. An additional 320,580 of Pfizer vaccine doses arrived earlier for Multan and Faisalabad.”


The Consul General announced the arrival of the U.S. vaccine donation for Lahore at the Expo Center, the city’s largest coronavirus vaccination site. Dr. Yasmin Rashid, Punjab Minister of Health, and Dr. Haroon Jahangir, Director General, Health Services, Punjab Department of Health, also attended the donation announcement ceremony.


The Consul General highlighted that “these Pfizer doses for Punjab are only part of the total number of vaccines that the United States is donating to Pakistan. In total, the U.S. government has donated 15.8 million doses of safe and effective vaccines to the Pakistani people.”


Recalling President Biden’s remarks this summer, he quoted him, saying: “The United States will be the world’s arsenal of vaccines in our shared fight against this virus. We will continue to do all we can to build a world that is safer and more secure against the threat of infectious disease.”


Consul General Makaneole continued: “With the vaccine donation these last few days, I am proud to say that the United States is doing exactly that – supplying COVID-19 vaccines to Punjab and the world. Working together, we can combat coronavirus. We are all in this together; so let’s end the pandemic together.”


The United States has purchased 500 million Pfizer doses to deliver to 92 countries, including Pakistan. These vaccine doses are delivered through COVAX, the global initiative to equitably distribute safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. In addition to the vaccines, the U.S. Mission to Pakistan has provided more than $63 million in COVID-19 assistance through its partnership with the government of Pakistan.


For more information, contact:


Information Office Public Affairs Section

Embassy of the United States of America

U.S. Embassy, Islamabad- Pakistan

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Email: webmasterisb@state.gov


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