Kolkata, The Trinamool Congress (TMC) has leveled accusations against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the National Investigation Agency (NIA), claiming a collusion aimed at undermining the ruling party’s position in West Bengal, in actions that reflect the politicization of law enforcement agencies under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the TMC alleges that covert meetings between BJP leaders and NIA officials were organized to orchestrate cases against TMC leaders and skew the electoral process in BJP’s favor. The charges extend to claims of financial misconduct and bribery linking BJP representatives with NIA personnel, spotlighting the ongoing political rivalry that has intensified in the lead-up to the state elections.
This purported collaboration between a political party and national law enforcement raises significant concerns about the impartiality and politicization of agencies like the NIA. With West Bengal’s elections approaching, the allegations made by the TMC underscore the high-stakes battle for control, which has wider ramifications for India’s democratic and political framework.