Timely action of Vihari Police, accused Ahmed arrested for the worst violence against mother and daughters in the limits of city police station Borewala, weapons recovered, wife and 4 children recovered

Lahore, July 27, 2023 (PPI-OT): Wahari Police, acting in a timely manner, arrested Ahmed, who was the worst perpetrator of violence against mothers and daughters in the limits of city police station Borewala, and recovered the weapons. His wife and 4 children were recovered from the accused.

The eyes were lost. Mohsen Naqvi directed that the best treatment facilities should be provided to the injured children. Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi directed Provincial Health Minister Dr. Javed Akram to treat the girl’s eyes under his supervision. Kudos to the reading team. Mohsen Naqvi directed that strict legal action should be taken against the accused. the accused deserves the strictest punishment under the law.

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Office of the Chief Minister of Punjab

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Website: https://cm.punjab.gov.pk/

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