Thousands Detained Under BJP Rule in Kashmir, Says Report

Srinagar, A report released by the research section of Kashmir Media Service has detailed the arrest of over 41,300 individuals, including leaders of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and other political, social, and human rights activists, in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir since the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2015. The arrests, carried out on various charges, have been criticized for relying on what are described as “fake charges” and for the application of “black laws” such as the Public Safety Act (PSA) and the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).

According to Kashmir Media Service, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the detentions under the BJP’s rule up to February 2024. High-profile Hurriyat leaders, among others, have been targeted, with many being detained outside the territory in Indian jails. The individuals named represent a cross-section of Kashmiri society, including political leaders, activists, scholars, journalists, and human rights defenders, highlighting the broad scope of the government’s crackdown.

The report also sheds light on the physical harm inflicted upon the local population by Indian forces, noting that at least 33,150 people have been injured due to the use of force, including bullets, pellets, PAVA, and tear gas shells. The use of such methods has resulted in significant injuries, with over a hundred youths suffering full or partial loss of eyesight due to pellet and PAVA ammunition used on peaceful protesters.

Furthermore, the document criticizes the judicial system in place for Kashmiris, arguing that it operates under a set of laws distinct from those applied to other parts of India. This discrepancy, the report argues, underscores the injustices faced by the people of Jammu and Kashmir, who have been advocating for their right to self-determination for 75 years—a right acknowledged in United Nations resolutions.

The report calls on the international community and the United Nations to take notice of these issues, emphasizing the need for justice and the application of consistent legal standards for the residents of Jammu and Kashmir.