The meeting of the special committee of the national assembly for affected employees was held under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Qadir Khan Mandukhel at the Pakistan institute for parliamentary services hall

Islamabad, April 05, 2023 (PPI-OT):The officers of the press information department of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting were asked to report on the implementation of the orders regarding 33 and 23 employees.

The committee ordered that the employees should be regularized within a week, and the Ministry of Finance and the Establishment Division were ordered to assist.

The employees told the committee that the project was recruited in January 2022 and was ending on June 30. Officials assured that all these employees would not be fired. and be regularized within a week,

Information and publications

APP employees told the committee that the Board of Directors has approved the regularization of 135 contract employees. Wise are getting salary, the committee ordered that the case of these employees should also be looked into, Secretary Information and Broadcasting assured the committee to solve the issue of employment.

Information and publications

Pakistan Television

Employees Ghulam Haiuddin Dar, Mohsin Rashid Bhatti and Zahid Jatoi told their respective problems to the committee, and the committee took notice of the employees’ requests and sought a response within a week.

National Health Services

Officials of the School of Dentistry, a subsidiary of the National Health Services, told the committee that the case of Grade I to Grade 15 employees is in the final stages, and the case of employees above Grade 16 will also be resolved soon. In this regard, 13 Meeting on April. The committee asked for a report within a week.

Report sought on the applications of Shoaib Bilal and Muhammad Adnan.

Dr. Jamal of Pims Hospital told the committee that all of us doctors were recruited after fulfilling all the rules and regulations, we are about 400 doctors, now the salary has been stopped for three months, and towards the FPSC exams. being taken, the officers told the committee that all these employees are very professional, their contract has been extended and they are making a plan for regularization.

The chairman committee said that assurance should be given to regularize these 400 doctors The officers told the committee that we want these doctors to be regularized and, in this regard, we are trying to exempt them from the test, we are also working on this. The chairman committee headed by MNA Nisar Cheema.

I have formed a committee which will hold a meeting with the Federal Public Service Commission in collaboration with the Health Secretary and find a solution to the problems of these doctors. The committee ordered that if any employee of FMTI is intimidated and intimidated in the future, the committee will take strict action and the doctors whose salaries have been stopped should be released immediately.


The chairman committee told the officers that they have issued orders several times that no employee should be intimidated, but still complaints were received from the employees. The officers told the committee that following the committee’s orders, the instructions It has been given that no employee should be harassed, but they assure him of strict monitoring, no such complaint will be received. The committee orders that no employee should be intimidated in the future.

Civil Aviation

Civil Aviation employees told the committee that our joining report is not being taken.

Absence of civil aviation and PIA officers

The committee re-issued the orders given in the previous meeting and called for the next meeting along with the implementation report.

Secretary OPF summoned on April 7.

National Assembly MNA Nisar Cheema, MNA Naveed Amir Jeeva, MNA Asia Azim, MNA Kishore Zahra and MNA Alia Kamran participated in the meeting.

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National Assembly of Pakistan
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