Mumbai, The arrest of Mufti Salman Azhari, a renowned Islamic preacher, by the Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad has sparked tensions and widespread protests in Mumbai. Azhari was detained over a speech he delivered, leading to significant public unrest and traffic disruptions in the city as thousands of his supporters gathered to protest the arrest.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Mufti Salman Azhari is currently being held at the Ghatkopar police station. In a statement to his followers, Azhari maintained his innocence, asserting that he is not a criminal and was not arrested for committing any crime. His legal representative, Wahid Sheikh, criticized the police for their lack of communication about the case, noting Azhari’s readiness to cooperate with the authorities without receiving any response.
The arrest was made following a speech given by Azhari near the ‘B’ division police station in Junagadh on January 31, leading to a case being registered under Section 153 B. The incident and the subsequent detention have heightened tensions in Mumbai, with Azhari’s supporters clashing with law enforcement as the situation continues to unfold.