Chennai, August 28, 2023 (PPI-OT): The Hindutva Brahmin goons ruthlessly assaulted a 14-year-old Dalit student and his grandmother in Tamil Nadu state in India. The Brahmin upper caste Hindutva men beat up the Dalit boy when the Dalit boy entered into a verbal spat with an intermediate caste boy leading to a brawl in a government school bus. In Karur district of Tamil Nadu
However, the next day, the intermediate caste boy and his twenty accomplices reached the boy’s home and assaulted him and his grandmother, Kaliyammal. The boy and his grandmother are undergoing treatment at a government hospital in Karur city. In a police complaint, the victim said that a group of 20 intermediate caste boys reached his home and assaulted him and his grandmother.
This is the second incident of Dalit students being attacked by Intermediate caste boys. In the first incident at Nanguneri in Tirunelveli district, a group of intermediate caste boys reached the home of a Dalit boy and assaulted him. In the milieu, the younger sister of the Dalit boy also suffered injuries.
Notably, the Dalit Intellectual Collective had urged the state government to do away with the practice of wristbands being used in the school which gives a clear identity of various castes based on colour of the bands.
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