Tando Muhammad Khan Deputy Commissioner Prioritizes Education Improvement

Tando Muhammad Khan, Deputy Commissioner Dharmon Bhawani emphasized the critical need for enhancing educational facilities in Tando Muhammad Khan, outlining measures to expedite improvements during the District Oversight Committee meeting. The meeting addressed several urgent issues, including the efficient use of School Management Committee (SMC) funds and the resolution of infrastructure challenges in local schools and colleges.

According to Directorate General Information and PRs – Sindh, Deputy Commissioner Bhawani expressed a zero-tolerance policy towards any hindrance in the application of SMC funds, stating that obstructive individuals should be removed immediately to meet the basic needs of the schools swiftly. He also ordered the formation of a committee led by the District Education Officer to devise a plan and report back within a week. The Deputy Commissioner inquired about ongoing development projects from the officers of the Education Works Department and directed the prompt completion of these initiatives under the Maintenance and Repair, District ADP, and Annual Development Program.

During the session, concerns about the unfinished construction of Government College Baldi Shah Karim were raised, prompting assurances from Deputy Commissioner Bhawani that he would consult with higher authorities to ensure the project’s swift resolution. He also addressed grievances regarding the pension, LPR, and gratuity issues of retired employees, criticizing the lack of transparency and urging solutions to avoid unnecessary delays for retirees and their families.