Karachi, In a ceremony marked by simplicity and dignity, Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tesuri administered the oath to Syed Murad Ali Shah, officially instating him as the Chief Minister. The event took place in the garden of the Governor’s House, with notable attendees including the caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh, Justice Retired Maqbool Baqir, members of the caretaker cabinet, and Chief Secretary Sindh Dr. Muhammad Fakhr Alam Irfan, who was responsible for organizing the ceremony.
According to Sindh Governor House, the ceremony commenced with the national anthem followed by the recitation of the Holy Quran. It was attended by a significant gathering comprising members of the National and Provincial Assembly, Consul Generals from various countries, distinguished industrialists, and individuals from diverse sectors of society. Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tesuri also extended his congratulations to Syed Murad Ali Shah on his assumption of the Chief Minister’s role, reflecting the high expectations and support for his leadership in addressing the challenges and opportunities facing the province.