Alwar, In a distressing incident in Alwar, Rajasthan, four men were assaulted by locals under the suspicion of cow smuggling, marking another episode of vigilante justice in the region.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the men, hailing from Nuh, Haryana, were intercepted early Wednesday morning near Honda Chowk, within the jurisdiction of the Kurushetra police station. By the time law enforcement arrived, the individuals had sustained severe injuries. While local reports suggested the men were injured trying to escape after being halted by the locals, the police confirmed they were indeed attacked.
The injured were promptly taken to a hospital by the police, who also rescued 7 cows found in the men’s vehicle, subsequently relocating them to a cow shelter. The police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the transport of the cows and the subsequent assault, highlighting the tense atmosphere surrounding cow smuggling accusations in the area.