Srinagar Recognized as ‘World Craft City’ by World Crafts Council

Srinagar: In a significant cultural achievement, the World Crafts Council International (WCC) has conferred the title of ‘World Craft City’ upon Srinagar, acknowledging the city’s rich heritage in traditional crafts.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the announcement was made at a local ceremony, where WCC President Saad Al Qaddumi commended Srinagar’s artisans for their dedication to preserving intricate craft traditions that have been handed down through generations. He emphasized that Srinagar is now among 65 cities globally that have been honored with this title, a testament to the stringent criteria and comprehensive evaluation involved in the selection process.

This designation is intended to enhance cultural exchanges, increase mutual understanding, and promote the preservation of the Indus heritage. It also aims to support sustainable development within the local craft sector, recognizing the pivotal role these traditional arts play in the socio-economic fabric of the region.