Srinagar Braces for Modi Visit Amid Increased Security and Local Discontent

Srinagar, As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gears up for his scheduled visit to Srinagar on March 7, the sentiment among the residents of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) is one of growing dissatisfaction. The visit, which comes in the wake of the controversial revocation of Article 370 in August 2019, has led to heightened security measures across the city, exacerbating the challenges faced by the local populace.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the preparations for Modi’s rally at Bakshi Stadium have led to a significant increase in security protocols. The skies above Srinagar are patrolled by drones, while surveillance cameras monitor the streets, and the presence of security forces intensifies, all of which contribute to a tense atmosphere in the region.

The people of Jammu and Kashmir view Modi’s visit not as a gesture of goodwill, but as a stark reminder of the stripping away of their special status nearly four years ago—a move they attribute directly to the Indian Prime Minister. The imposition of these strict security measures, including the emergence of numerous checkpoints, has further restricted the freedom of movement for the residents, adding to their grievances.

This visit and the accompanying security clampdown have reignited concerns among the Kashmiri people regarding their autonomy, rights, and the ongoing struggle for self-determination. The situation in Srinagar highlights the complex and fraught relationship between the Indian government and the people of IIOJK, underscoring the deep-rooted issues stemming from the political decisions of recent years.