Karachi, In a shocking incident in Bahawalnagar, police have apprehended a man accused of murdering his father, Maulvi Khan Bahadur, who was the imam of a local mosque in Gadhoka, Karampur. The heinous act, driven by personal distress, has sent ripples through the community, highlighting the tragic outcome of familial disputes.
According to Punjab Police, the suspect, the son of the deceased imam, was arrested following a meticulous investigation led by Sub-Inspector Javed Joya and a team of police officers. The discovery of Maulvi Khan Bahadur’s body in the mosque triggered an immediate police response and an investigation. Rescue 1122 assisted in transporting the body for a post-mortem examination, which revealed that the imam died early in the morning.
Utilizing advanced investigative techniques such as Call Detail Records (CDRs) and geo-fencing, Bahawalnagar police, under the guidance of District Police Officer Naseebullah, identified the victim’s son as the primary suspect. The investigation uncovered that the son had visited the mosque on the morning of the crime and later confessed to the murder upon returning home.
The motive behind this tragic event was found to be a personal grudge related to marital issues. Notably, it was the suspect himself who initially alerted others about his father’s death. This case underscores the complex dynamics of personal relationships and their potential to escalate into violence.
Punjab Police Inspector General Dr. Usman Anwar and DPO Naseebullah commended the swift resolution of the case, emphasizing the crucial role of modern technology and tactical approaches in crime solving. The effective use of geo-fencing and other tools was pivotal in swiftly tracking down the killer, who has since admitted to the crime.
The arrested accused now remains in custody, awaiting further legal proceedings. This incident has sparked a conversation about the importance of addressing underlying social issues and the role of law enforcement in preventing such tragic outcomes.