Sindh Police to Undergo Comprehensive Reforms, IG Proposes Station Integration and Operational Enhancements

Karachi, In a significant move toward restructuring, the Sindh Police, under the leadership of IG Ghulam Nabi Memon, discussed a series of proposals aimed at reforming the operations department and integrating police stations to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in law enforcement across the region.

According to Sindh Police, the meeting involved Additional IG Operations and other high-ranking officials including DIGs and administrators from various departments such as Finance, IT, and Admin Karachi. The discussion focused on a comprehensive review of the police stations’ locations, crime rates, and the need for strategic appointments within the force. The proposals suggested include the merger of stations based on crime analysis and the population served, aiming to optimize coverage and responsiveness.

IG Memon emphasized the importance of incorporating opinions from former officers and local dignitaries to ensure that the integration of police stations aligns with community needs and crime trends. He highlighted the critical nature of appointments such as Station House Officers (SHOs) and Sub-Inspectors (SIOs), stressing that these should be based on qualifications, experience, and expertise to foster a competent and capable police force.

Moreover, Memon advocated for people-friendly reforms and increasing manpower at police stations, which he believes will not only establish a stronger law and order presence but also serve as an effective deterrent against crime. He outlined the necessity for ongoing training and development for police personnel, involving departmental courses and workshops that incorporate modern policing techniques and standards.

The initiative aims to create a more connected and responsive police service, enhancing the relationship between the police and the community, thereby contributing to the creation of a safer society. The ongoing training efforts are expected to bolster both operational and investigative capacities of the police force in Sindh.