Karachi, IG Sindh Rifat Mukhtar Raja has officially launched the Sindh Complaint Management System application, a significant step towards modernizing the police force and enhancing public convenience in complaint registration and follow-up.
According to Sindh Police, the application, inaugurated at the provincial level, aims to streamline the process of lodging various complaints. Project Director IT elaborated that this modern app enables easy access and tracking of complaints filed at the front desks of police stations. The app is designed to maintain a computerized record of all complaints, facilitating efficient registration and resolution.
The application’s feature set includes the ability to create electronic records for complaints and their redressal, extending beyond the registration of FIRs. The training of police officers in the use of this application, developed in collaboration with IT Sindh Police and the Punjab IT Board, has already commenced.
Rai Rashid, Project Director of the Punjab IT Board, highlighted the app’s potential to address minor complaints and problems that were previously overlooked or delayed in police stations. He assured that with the new system, complaints could be registered, tracked, and resolved within 72 hours, with an automatic system escalating unresolved issues to higher authorities. This initiative requires police stations to maintain records not only of received complaints but also of the actions taken to resolve them.
IG Sindh emphasized the police department’s commitment to innovation and digitization, noting that despite limited resources, the Sindh police are making significant strides in digitizing administrative processes. The launch of the Sindh Complaint Management System app reflects the department’s dedication to adopting technology-driven solutions for public service.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by Asim Iqbal of the IT Punjab Board and DIGs of Establishment, IT, and Finance.