Karachi, Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tesuri visited the residence of Tarab Zahidi, a recent victim of street crime, to offer condolences and support to her family. The visit underscores the governor’s commitment to addressing the impact of street crime on Karachi’s residents.
According to Sindh Governor House, Governor Tesuri expressed his deepest sympathies to Tarab Zahidi’s father, Nansar Zahidi, acknowledging the grief and loss experienced by the family. During his visit, the governor announced that he would personally cover the educational expenses and flat rent for Tarab Zahidi’s children as a gesture of support. He described the tragedy as indescribable and reaffirmed his commitment to helping the family through this difficult time.
The visit by the governor brings attention to the ongoing issue of street crime in Karachi and the devastating impact it has on families and communities.