Karachi, In a significant ceremony organized by Chief Secretary Sindh Fakhr Alam Irfan, Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tesuri administered the oath to the new members of the provincial cabinet. The event saw the induction of prominent figures such as Sharjeel Inam Memon, Nasir Hussain Shah, Saeed Ghani, Ziaul Hassan Lanjhar, and Ali Hassan into their respective ministerial roles, alongside others including Zardari, Dr. Azra Pechuho, Syed Sardar Ali Shah, Jam Khan Shura, and Sardar Muhammad Bakhsh Mehr.
According to Sindh Governor House, the ceremony marked a pivotal moment for the province’s governance, with Governor Tesuri extending his congratulations to each minister on their oath-taking. The inclusion of these ministers highlights the provincial government’s commitment to addressing the challenges and opportunities facing Sindh, as the newly sworn-in cabinet members bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their roles.
The event not only signifies the beginning of a new chapter in Sindh’s political landscape but also reinforces the administration’s pledge to work collaboratively for the betterment of the province. The ministers, known for their diverse backgrounds and contributions to their fields, are expected to play key roles in shaping the policies and initiatives that will drive Sindh’s development in the coming years.