Karachi, Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tesori has extended his heartfelt condolences over the passing of Justice (Retd) Rashid A. Rizvi, a distinguished jurist and the head of the Journalists Protection Commission. Remembering him as a pivotal figure in the advancement of law and justice, the Governor also shared a personal connection, noting that Justice Rizvi had been his lawyer. He emphasized that Justice Rizvi’s death represents a personal loss for him and prayed for the forgiveness and elevation of the deceased’s soul.
According to Sindh Governor House, Governor Tesori’s message underscores the significant contributions of Justice Rizvi to the legal community and his role in protecting journalists. His work has left a lasting impact on the fields he was involved in, making his loss felt not only by family and friends but also by the wider community that benefitted from his services and advocacy. The Governor’s prayers for Justice Rizvi reflect the respect and esteem in which he was held, marking the passing of a man who dedicated his life to the principles of justice and fairness.