Karachi, Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tesori recently met with Pir Hasan Haseebur Rehman of Khanqah Eidgah Sharif Rawalpindi. The meeting focused on the upcoming Milad Mustafa (PBUH) conference scheduled for January 21, along with discussions on various initiatives in the region.
According to Sindh Governor House, the meeting also included the appreciation of Sindh’s exemplary initiatives. During their visit, Pir Hasan Haseebur Rahman and Jamiat-ul-Rashid Grand Mufti Abdul Rahim toured the IT marquee with Governor Tesori.
Pir Hasan Haseebur Rehman praised the Governor’s efforts in the IT department, highlighting their significance. Additionally, Mufti Abdul Rahim expressed his hope for the continuation of the Governor’s spirit of humanitarian service. He assured the Governor of his ongoing prayers and support, emphasizing the importance of their collaborative work.
The meeting symbolizes the ongoing efforts to enhance cultural and technological initiatives in Sindh, fostering a spirit of collaboration and service in the region.