Karachi, In a vibrant ceremony at the Governor’s House on May 17, Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tesori honored Dr. Nikhat Iftikhar, a distinguished poet visiting from Great Britain, celebrating the rich tradition of Mushaira, an integral part of Pakistani culture. The event gathered prominent poets, business leaders, political figures, and media representatives, underscoring the community’s commitment to preserving and enhancing its literary heritage.
According to Sindh Governor House, the reception featured speeches from notable personalities, including Ruf Siddiqui, Ajmal Siraj, Kashif Ghair, and Sadia Hareem, who praised the contributions of Dr. Iftikhar to Urdu literature. Governor Tesori, in his address, emphasized the importance of Mushaira in Pakistani civilization and tradition, calling it a vital expression of the nation’s literary capital and a reflection of its societal dynamics.
Governor Tesori further stated that maintaining and strengthening such cultural traditions is a collective responsibility, vital for handing down this heritage to future generations. He commended Dr. Iftikhar for her achievements and her role in enhancing the stature of Pakistani literature globally.
Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, also speaking at the event, remarked on the renewed vibrancy and energy at the Governor’s House since Governor Tesori’s tenure began, highlighting the importance of such cultural gatherings in enriching the community’s social and cultural life.
The ceremony not only served to honor Dr. Iftikhar but also to reaffirm the significance of Mushaira as a cherished cultural institution in Pakistan, fostering a deeper connection with the Urdu language and its poetic expressions.