Karachi, In a festive gesture on the night marking the sighting of the Eid moon, Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tesuri interacted with the public and media on Tariq Road, Karachi. During this engagement, he announced the distribution of Eid gifts and fifty thousand ration bags to the populace, marking the celebrations of Eid-ul-Fitr.
According to Sindh Governor House, Governor Tesuri shared a meal of Nihari with journalists at Zahid Nihari, reflecting on the communal spirit of Eid. In his address to the media, Tesuri conveyed Eid greetings and spoke of collective efforts towards stabilizing Pakistan. He highlighted the Sindh Information and Fiscal Coordination (SIFC) initiative, applauding its potential to attract investment and foster economic growth.
Governor Tesuri emphasized the role of media and social media in societal unity and acknowledged their contributions to spreading joy and information. He also outlined his plans for Eid day, which include praying with consuls general of various countries and visiting Karachi residents to share the festive spirit. The governor’s initiative aims to support the less fortunate during the Eid celebration through significant ration distribution and monetary gifts.