Karachi, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah, in the 5th Governing Body meeting of the Sindh Digital Technology Board, resolved to recruit a Managing Director for the board through a competitive market search. The decision marks a significant step in enhancing the operational capabilities of the board in alignment with market standards.
According to Chief Minister Sindh, the meeting, attended by key government officials and board members, underscored the need for professional leadership at the helm of the board to drive the province’s digital initiatives forward. The Chief Minister directed Secretary IT Asif Ikram to finalize the appointment within six weeks and to establish the IT board’s office on Shahrah-e-Faisal to better engage with market dynamics.
Further developments include the registration of the IT board as a company, aiming to streamline its functions under corporate governance principles. Moreover, the Chief Minister mandated the creation of a comprehensive plan to transition provincial government operations to a paperless format, advocating for an E-file system across all departments to promote efficient and environmentally friendly governance.