Karachi, On World Environment Day, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah chaired a significant meeting at CM House, focusing on addressing the environmental challenges posed by economic development, urban expansion, and industrialization in the province. The challenges highlighted included the deterioration of freshwater resources, marine and urban air pollution, ineffective waste management, and ecosystem destruction.
According to Chief Minister Sindh, the meeting was attended by key governmental and environmental figures, including Provincial Ministers Dr. Azra Pechuho, Saeed Ghani, Jam Khan Shoro, Dost Ali Rahmoo, and Karachi Mayor Murtaza Wahab, along with other senior officials from various sectors. Chief Minister Shah emphasized the need for comprehensive strategies to preserve and improve the environmental conditions, underscoring the importance of regular updates and monthly meetings to monitor progress.
The discussions extended to specific environmental issues such as hospital waste management, with Health Minister Dr. Azra Pechuho acknowledging ongoing efforts and the need for enhanced measures. Local Government Minister Saeed Ghani reported directives to local bodies for improved cleanliness and tree planting initiatives, while Irrigation Minister Jam Khan Shoro addressed the problem of untreated industrial discharge into water bodies, asserting that stricter regulations and local treatment facilities were being enforced.
Minister of Environment Dost Rahimoo briefed on efforts to ban the production and sale of plastic bags, highlighting collaborative approaches with stakeholders to ensure compliance with environmental laws. Chief Minister Shah called for a united effort to reduce the region’s carbon footprint and advocate for sustainable practices and renewable energy, reflecting a committed stance towards environmental stewardship and public health.