Sialkot to Rawalpindi Motorway Expansion Planned for Future Transportation Needs

Islamabad: In a strategic move to accommodate future transportation demands, Federal Minister for Communications, Privatization and Board of Investment Abdul Aleem Khan has directed a review of the Sialkot to Rawalpindi motorway project, proposing an expansion from four to six lanes.

According to Press Information Department, during a high-level National Highway Authority meeting, Minister Khan emphasized the importance of long-term infrastructure planning, advocating for a design that considers the next 50 years. He also instructed that live cameras be installed on all motorway projects to enable real-time monitoring.

The meeting addressed various ongoing projects across regions including Balochistan, Sindh, and Gilgit-Baltistan, with a focus on enhancing road safety and removing barriers that impede vehicle flow. Additionally, the minister highlighted the economic importance of road construction and mandated third-party evaluations to ensure the efficient use of government funds in road repair and construction projects.