SIA Leads Coordinated Raids in Kashmir, Arrests Pro-Freedom Activists

Srinagar, The State Investigation Agency (SIA), along with other Indian enforcement bodies, has escalated its operations in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, conducting widespread raids across multiple districts as part of a broader crackdown on pro-freedom movements.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the recent raids targeted civilians in the districts of Islamabad, Shopian, and Kulgam. These actions are reported as attempts to suppress the local voices advocating for freedom and autonomy in the region.

The operations involved extensive searches of residences in all districts of South Kashmir, leading to the detention of several individuals associated with the freedom movement. The SIA’s approach has been described as part of a strategic effort to dismantle the networks supporting these movements.

The crackdown has raised concerns among local communities and human rights observers, who view these measures as harsh responses to the ongoing demand for self-determination in Kashmir.