Shopkeepers protest in Shopian against Modi regime’s anti-Kashmir policies 

Srinagar, February 03, 2023 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, shopkeepers protested in Shopian district against the anti-Kashmir policies of the Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian regime. Hundreds of Nagbal shopkeepers shut their shops, demanding an immediate rollback of the so-called anti-encroachment drive. The protest shutdown in Nagbal, Shopian, come a day after the main market in Kellar, Shopian, observed a shutdown asking the administration to withdraw the anti-Kashmir order calling for the eviction of people from their homes and lands in the name of “anti-encroachments” drive.

“We have been forced to keep our shops shut so that the admin pays attention to our demand and revokes the eviction order. The order will make us jobless and our families will starve,” a local shopkeeper said. He said that the shops are their only source of livelihood. “We sold our lands after the constant decline in the earnings from our apple and purchased these shops, now the admin is asking us to vacate these shops. How will we sustain our families? How will we earn our livelihood?” they asked.

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