Shibli Faraz directs Pakistan Council for Renewable Energy Technologies to formulate off grid home based solar solutions for population of rural and far flung areas

Islamabad, July 30, 2021 (PPI-OT):Federal Minister for Science and Technology Shibli Faraz has directed Pakistan Council for Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET) to formulate off grid home based solar solutions for the population of rural and far flung areas. He emphasized that it will not only be beneficial for the people but will also reduce the burden on national grid.

He made these remarks during his visit to PCRET, today. Federal Minister stated that any country’s economic development is dependent on the affordable energy resources. He said that Pakistan has been facing severe challenges in this sector for the past few decades. He stressed that focus on renewable energy technologies is the need of hour, as it can provide the long term solution to the energy woes of the country.

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