Islamabad, In a significant move to ensure a peaceful environment during the elections, the Sheikhupura Police, following directives from Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, have seized a substantial quantity of weapons from election candidates and their supporters in Sheikhupura.
According to Punjab Police, the police teams, operating under heightened alert across the province, conducted a comprehensive operation in Sheikhupura district prior to the election. This operation led to the confiscation of 830 firearms of various types, including 226 Kalashnikovs. Regional Police Officer (RPO) Sheikhupura, Babar Sarfraz Alpa, stated that the police also registered cases against 770 individuals under various provisions.
The RPO emphasized that maintaining peace during the elections and ensuring adherence to the Election Commission’s code of conduct is a primary responsibility of the police. He underscored that the display of arms is strictly prohibited, and any violation of the law during the election period will not be tolerated.
This proactive step by the Sheikhupura Police is part of broader efforts to uphold law and order and ensure a safe and peaceful electoral process in the region.