Shahi Imam of Delhi Raises Alarm Over Rising Hatred in India

New Delhi: Maulana Syed Ahmad Bukhari, the Shahi Imam of Jamia Masjid in Delhi, has voiced significant concerns regarding the escalating atmosphere of hatred and discriminatory actions against minorities in India. He remarked that the current level of animosity surpasses anything witnessed in the country since the partition of the subcontinent.

According to Kashmir Media Service, during his address before the Friday prayer, Bukhari highlighted the historical instances of anti-Muslim riots in India, emphasizing that despite those events, the widespread dissemination of hatred as seen today was unprecedented. He stressed the importance of upholding the nation’s long-standing traditions of tolerance and unity in these trying times.

Bukhari described the prevailing conditions as a regression into darkness, lamenting the loss of the inclusive and hopeful vision of India once dreamt by its forefathers. He clarified that the issues at hand were not merely about religious differences but were fundamentally about the honor, survival, and security of the entire nation. He questioned the current societal dynamics where minorities’ actions are criminalized, and the majority’s misdeeds are overlooked.

The Shahi Imam also recounted several violent episodes, including massive riots and targeted killings of Muslims and Sikhs, which have marred India’s history. He pointed out the recent atrocities in Assam where over a thousand Muslims were killed and numerous others were forcibly displaced, underscoring that such acts of hatred were unparalleled.

Bukhari called for patience and unity among Indian Muslims, referring to them as the backbone of the nation’s integrity and urging them to maintain solidarity in the face of ongoing challenges.