SFJ demands expulsion of Indian envoy for interfering in Canadian Sikhs’ rights

Islamabad, July 15, 2023 (PPI-OT): Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) has demanded the declaration of the Indian High Commissioner, Sanjay Kumar Verma, as ‘Persona Non-Grata’ due to his clear interference in Canada’s internal affairs, promoting hate and inciting violence against pro- Khalistan Canadian Sikhs. Sikhs for Justice (“SFJ”), a registered human rights advocacy organization in Canada, is demanding the expulsion of the Indian envoy in Canada to avoid meddling in the July 16 Khalistan referendum voting.

SFJ is dedicated to peacefully advocating for the Khalistan Referendum to secure the rights of self-determination for Sikhs in the Punjab region, where they form the majority, and which is currently governed by India. In an official communique dated July 13, 2023, High Commissioner Verma addressed the Government of Canada, stating that the Sikh for Justice’s illegal ‘referendum’ is an ineffective effort to undermine the Canada-India relationship.

Furthermore, he warned Canadian Sikhs, mentioning that millions of India’s supporters in Canada would counter the ill-intentioned Khalistan referendum voting scheduled for July 16 in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). In a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Joly, and Minister Mendicino, the SFJ criticized High Commissioner Verma for not only interfering in Canada’s internal affairs but also attempting to suppress the freedom of expression of Canadian Sikhs. They expressed concern that his remarks against the upcoming Khalistan referendum voting were inciting violence and encouraging pro-India Canadians to harm Canadian Sikhs simply for peacefully expressing their political opinions on July 16.

SFJ brought attention to Indian envoy Verma’s repeated interference in Canada’s internal affairs concerning the rights of Canadian Sikhs. They reminded the Ministers of SFJ’s December 2022 letter, which had been duly acknowledged, revealing Verma’s request to the Canadian Government to suppress and quash the Khalistan referendum events held in Canada after witnessing a substantial turnout of Canadian Sikhs in September and November 2022. Verma’s insistence on this matter was accompanied by a warning of potential strain on Canada-India relations if their demands were not met.

According to Article 9 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, a state has the authority to declare any diplomatic staff member as persona non grata, without the obligation to provide an explanation for their decision. This action compels the respective government to recall the individual back to their home country. SJF has emphasized that in light of Indian High Commissioner Verma’s repeated transgressions against Canadian Sikhs, it is imperative for the government to take appropriate action by declaring Verma as “persona non grata” and “unacceptable.”

This declaration would compel the Indian Government to recall him. The conduct of diplomats and foreign officials is governed by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961. Article 41(1) of the Convention stipulates that foreign diplomats and consular officials are obligated to “respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State” and refrain from interfering in its internal affairs.

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