Senate Discusses Finality of Holy Prophet with Calls for Non-Politicization of Sensitive Issues

Islamabad, In a recent session of the Senate, Senator Irfan Siddiqui highlighted the unwavering belief of Muslims in the finality of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) as Khatam-un-Nabiyyin (the Seal of the Prophets). The session also touched upon the Supreme Court’s recent judgment regarding proscribed religious literature, with calls for the issue not to be politicized.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Senator Siddiqui emphasized the sensitivity of the matter and urged against its politicization, which could potentially flare up tempers. The Supreme Court’s clarification on its judgment was also acknowledged during the session, with Senator Mushtaq Ahmed expressing his approval and announcing plans to file a review petition to address any lacunas in the ruling.

Maulvi Faiz Muhammad, another member of the Senate, reiterated the importance of protecting the sanctity of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), stating it as a duty of the Muslim community. Additionally, Shahadat Awan stressed that state institutions should not be targeted for political gains, highlighting the need for respect and unity in addressing such critical issues.

The session also saw the presentation of reports from various standing committees, indicating the ongoing legislative work and discussions within the Senate. The House was later adjourned and is scheduled to reconvene on Monday afternoon.

The Senate’s discussion reflects the deep religious sentiments and the careful approach required in handling issues related to religious beliefs and the judiciary’s role in interpreting them. It underscores the importance of maintaining a respectful and non-confrontational dialogue on sensitive matters.