Senate Committee on Railways Addresses Corruption and Progress in ML-1 Project

Islamabad: The Senate Standing Committee on Railways, led by Senator Jam Saifullah Khan, convened today at the Old PIPS Hall, Parliament Lodges to address multiple concerns, including reported discrepancies in the handling of corruption within the Railways sector and the ongoing development of the ML-1 railway project.

According to Senate of Pakistan, the meeting highlighted issues raised by Senator Shahadat Awan regarding the inconsistency in the Ministry’s report on the number of railway officials penalized for corruption. While the Ministry cited actions against 41 workers in Karachi, documentation showed only 31 had been penalized. This discrepancy arises amidst broader concerns over substantial financial losses amounting to 4 billion PKR over the past five years, attributed partially to pension issues, which Awan argued was an oversimplification.

Chairman Senator Jam Saifullah Khan emphasized the need for a comprehensive review and clear accountability to rectify the reported losses and procedural inconsistencies. He urged the Ministry of Railways to provide a detailed briefing on theft, corruption, and the specific measures being taken to address these issues.

The session also delved into the ML-1 Project, which aims to modernize and enhance the operational capabilities of Pakistan’s railway infrastructure. The project, noted for its environmental resilience measures such as improved drainage systems and robust fencing, is also designed to withstand adverse weather conditions like the recent floods affecting the region. Officials reassured the committee of the project’s structural and financial planning, which includes seeking private-sector investment and ensuring cost-effective execution.

Discussion extended to the ratification of new members to the Railway Advisory Committees for Lahore and Karachi, signaling an ongoing commitment to regional oversight and development. The committee expressed unanimous agreement on the necessity of advancing the railway system for the nation’s long-term benefit.

In conclusion, Senator Kamil Ali Agha called for a presentation on the original ML-1 project plans, urging a review of adjustments made due to financial and structural changes, especially in light of recent climatic challenges. Chairman Khan concurred, prioritizing the project’s swift progression to meet these emerging needs.

The meeting, a blend of accountability checks and strategic planning, underscored the Senate’s proactive stance on enhancing Pakistan’s railway system amid challenging circumstances.