Senate Committee on Housing and Works Convenes Under Senator Nasir Mahmood

Islamabad: Senator Nasir Mahmood, Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Housing and Works, presided over a pivotal committee meeting held at the Parliament Lodges in Islamabad today. The session focused on evaluating and advancing the nation’s housing and infrastructure projects.

According to Senate of Pakistan, the meeting brought together key stakeholders to discuss ongoing and future initiatives within the housing sector. The committee’s agenda included reviewing progress on existing housing schemes and legislative frameworks intended to support infrastructure development across the country. Senator Mahmood emphasized the importance of timely completion of these projects to meet the growing demands for residential facilities and to boost overall economic growth.

The meeting also addressed the challenges facing the sector, including budget allocations and regulatory hurdles. Recommendations were made to streamline processes and enhance cooperation between various governmental bodies to ensure that the objectives of the Housing and Works department are met efficiently.