Senate Committee on Delegated Legislation Discusses Auqaf Rules in Islamabad

Islamabad: The Senate Committee on Delegated Legislation, led by Senator Naseema Ehsan, convened today at Parliament House to deliberate on the Auqaf Rules drafted by the ICT administration under the Waqf Properties Act, 2020. The meeting addressed significant concerns raised about the consultation process with religious leaders regarding the rules.

According to Senate of Pakistan, the meeting spotlighted the objection from Senator Maulana Atta-ur-Rehman regarding the exclusion of the Ulema Council in the approval process of the Auqaf Rules. Although a Ulema Committee was eventually formed, the initial absence of an active Ulema Council during the rule’s formulation in February 2023 was a point of contention. The process, which concluded in February 2024, was criticized for its lack of broader religious consultation.

During the meeting, members agreed unanimously on the importance of involving the Ulema Committee consistently to ensure that all religious stakeholders are on board with the final decisions. The session included discussions on the roles of various government bodies in the creation of subordinate legislation, as outlined by the Additional Secretary of Law and Justice, who emphasized the necessity of inter-divisional consultations and Cabinet approvals before enacting any subordinate legislation.

The Chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology also raised a critical point about the management of waqf properties in Islamabad, highlighting the lack of a designated waqf manager and suggesting that competent religious leaders should be appointed to manage these affairs effectively.

The committee resolved to continue consultations with the Ulema and to revisit the proposed Auqaf Rules to reflect a consensus among all relevant stakeholders, aiming for societal harmony and adherence to legal procedures for subordinate legislation.