Sehat Sahulat Program Report Reveals Advances in Healthcare Service Delivery in Pakistan

Islamabad, The Federal Sehat Sahulat Program (SSP), under the aegis of the Ministry of National Health Services Regulation and Coordination, has released its Third-Party Validation Report, highlighting significant improvements in healthcare service delivery and accessibility for Pakistani citizens. The report emphasizes the program’s success in reducing out-of-pocket expenses for healthcare, enhancing the quality of service delivery, and striving towards universal health coverage.

According to Press Information Department, the report was conducted by the Health Services Academy, with key contributions from Dr. Shahzad Ali Khan and Ms. Kinz ul Eman. Dr. Malik Mukhtar Ahmad Bharath, Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Health, commended the program’s achievements under the leadership of Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif. He praised the collaborative efforts of implementation partners such as the State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan and NADRA, as well as the technical support from international organizations like GIZ and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Mr. Nadeem Mahbub, Federal Health Secretary, noted that the SSP has been pivotal in enhancing healthcare services and reducing the financial burden on families seeking inpatient care. He encouraged broader participation in the program, emphasizing that collective action is essential for achieving a healthier future for all Pakistanis.

Mr. Muhammad Arshad, CEO of the Federal Sehat Sahulat Program, expressed his gratitude to the government for its consistent support. Despite various challenges, the program has made noteworthy progress towards ensuring that every citizen has access to quality healthcare. Dr. Luo Dapeng, WHO Representative in Pakistan, also commended the SSP’s role in aligning with global health goals and reaffirmed WHO’s support for Pakistan’s efforts towards Universal Health Coverage.

The event also saw acknowledgment from representatives of the Provincial Government and international partners like the World Bank, who celebrated the program’s impact on reducing healthcare costs and underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving sustainable healthcare solutions.