Srinagar, In a startling incident that either points to a major security lapse or a staged drama, two unidentified individuals breached the security of the Indian Parliament today, coinciding with the anniversary of a past attack on the same institution.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the disturbance in the lower house of Parliament was broadcast live on the official channel, where a man was seen jumping over tables and rushing towards the Speaker’s chair, causing panic among lawmakers. Simultaneously, another individual in the visitor’s gallery was observed releasing yellow smoke inside the building, leading to a temporary adjournment of the session as lawmakers evacuated.
Outside the building, two more individuals were spotted chanting slogans and were surrounded by police. Speaker of the lower house, Om Birla, informed the lawmakers upon the resumption of the session that all four individuals had been arrested, and their possessions seized.
The security breach prompted immediate concerns from opposition lawmakers. Mallikarjun Kharge, the leader of India’s main opposition Congress party, emphasized the gravity of the situation, questioning how such a breach could occur despite stringent security measures. Another Congress lawmaker, K.C. Venugopal, expressed deep concern over the incident, labeling it as “extremely troubling.”
This event is particularly significant as it occurred on the anniversary of the December 13, 2001, attack on India’s parliament. That earlier attack was subject to controversy, with some independent journalists and Indian police officers later describing it as an inside job.
The incident raises serious questions about the effectiveness of security protocols at one of India’s most critical government institutions, underscoring the need for a thorough investigation and potentially heightened security measures.