SECP Seeks Public Input to Enhance Public Offering Regime

Islamabad: The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) is soliciting feedback to enhance the public offering regime aimed at fostering capital formation. The Commission has released a Consultation Paper detailing potential improvements across various aspects of the process, from IPO pricing to digitization and public outreach.

According to Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, the Consultation Paper aims to make capital formation easier and more efficient for businesses. This initiative is seen as crucial for economic growth and is based on a comprehensive review of existing regulations, international standards, technological advancements, and market feedback. Key areas highlighted for improvement include IPO pricing, public offering and listing conditions, the role of consultants, approval timelines, documentation and disclosure requirements, and post-IPO considerations.

The proposed changes are designed to benefit both issuers and investors by enhancing transparency, efficiency, and market vibrancy. By focusing on both supply and demand-side enhancements, the SECP aims to create a more conducive regulatory environment that facilitates quicker and cost-effective capital raising efforts. The final amendments will be made following a consensus from the public and stakeholders involved.