Mumbai, A 25-year-old student from the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) in Mumbai has been arrested following a WhatsApp post protesting the celebration of the Ayodhya Ram Temple’s consecration, marking the second arrest related to this case. The Govandi police station carried out the arrest, responding to the controversy that has embroiled the campus in debates over freedom of expression and the politicization of religious celebrations.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the incident unfolded after another student was arrested for sharing a screenshot of the contentious post on January 22, highlighting the tense atmosphere at the IIPS over the celebrations. This latest arrest occurred after the police identified the original poster, who had recently returned to campus for academic commitments, including exams and dissertation submission.
The backdrop to these arrests includes a reported campus frenzy on February 2, following celebrations by right-leaning students at the institute. A group of students, predominantly from Bahujan communities, had previously expressed concerns to the institute’s administration about the potential divisiveness of such celebrations, submitting a confidential letter signed by 35 students. However, the institute’s lack of response and the subsequent leak of the letter to right-wing activists intensified the situation, leading to the arrests under sections of the Indian Penal Code addressing promotion of enmity between groups and deliberate insult to religious beliefs.
The students’ letter to the director highlighted the institute’s history of celebrating various cultural and religious events in a manner that promotes secular values. They argued that the Ram temple consecration celebrations, perceived as politically motivated, threatened the secular ethos of the campus by deepening divisions among students.
Following the leak, the students involved faced bullying and pressure to apologize for allegedly offending those celebrating the temple’s consecration. This episode has sparked a broader discussion on the balance between freedom of expression and respect for religious sentiments in academic settings, against the backdrop of India’s complex societal fabric.
The family of the arrested student, residing in Kerala, confirmed the arrest, underscoring the personal and academic impact of these developments. The case continues to resonate within and beyond the IIPS community, reflecting the ongoing national conversation about secularism, religious freedom, and the role of educational institutions in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment.