Lahore, In a heartening turn of events, four abandoned children found at Greater Iqbal Park in Lahore were successfully reunited with their father, thanks to the diligent efforts of Safe City’s Lost and Found Center. The children were discovered alone in the park, prompting immediate action from Safe City personnel to trace their family.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, upon discovering the children, Safe City swiftly initiated a search operation. The father of the children soon contacted the Lost and Found Center, triggering a verification process that confirmed his relationship to the children. The concerned police officer was also involved in facilitating the reunion.
The children were temporarily placed under the care of the Child Protection Bureau while the verification process was underway. Following a thorough check, the police officially handed the children back to their father. During the handover, the father revealed that the children’s mother had brought them from Sialkot to Lahore and inexplicably left them behind. He also reported that his wife had not returned home and her whereabouts remained unknown.
The spokesperson for Safe City indicated that efforts were ongoing to locate the mother using Safe City’s extensive camera network. The incident has highlighted the crucial role of technological and community resources in addressing family crises and ensuring the safety of vulnerable children.
This successful intervention by Safe City underscores the importance of quick and coordinated response in child welfare incidents and the significant impact of surveillance and communication technology in public safety operations.