Kachhi, Authorities have implemented a series of road blockades and snap-checking operations in Khatan Tehsil to restore law and order, following orders from Deputy Commissioner Kachhi, Captain (Retired) Jameel Ahmad Baloch. The initiative is being carried out under the leadership of Assistant Commissioner Sunni Fateh Khan Banglazai and the supervision of SHO Levies Khatan police station Muhammad Yasin, with the support of QRF in-charge Saeed Ahmed.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the internal and external inspection of Khatan Tehsil is part of ongoing efforts to ensure security and prevent crime in the area. The authorities have intensified snap-checking on roads and in various interior areas to monitor suspicious activities and maintain public safety.
Assistant Commissioner Banglazai explained that the Levies Force is taking a proactive approach to maintain law and order, with no tolerance for any disruptions. The operation is a top priority in rural areas, where suspicious persons are closely monitored. The Assistant Commissioner added that action against suspicious individuals is being taken promptly to ensure stability in the region.
The initiative aims to create a safer environment for the residents of Khatan Tehsil and deter unlawful activities. The authorities are committed to sustaining these efforts until law and order are fully restored in the area.