Karachi, In a significant road accident on the Srinagar-Jammu Highway near Banihal in Jammu, four Indian police personnel sustained injuries. The accident occurred when their police vehicle skidded off the road, raising concerns about the safety of the frequently traversed highway.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the incident involved a police vehicle en route from Doda to Srinagar in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The vehicle lost control near Chamalwas-Banihal on the highway and rolled down a few meters off the road. The exact cause of the accident and the conditions leading to it are yet to be ascertained.
Following the accident, the Banihal police, along with local volunteers, promptly responded to the scene. The injured personnel were removed from the crash site and transported to the Sub District Hospital, Banihal, for medical treatment.
The injured officers have been identified as Adil Nazir from Hazratbal, Srinagar, Merajuddin from Noor Bagh, Srinagar, Sajjad Ahmed from Qazigund, and Parvaiz Ahmed from Islamabad. The extent of their injuries and their current medical conditions have not been detailed in the report.
This accident highlights the potential hazards on the Srinagar-Jammu Highway, a vital route in the region, and underscores the need for enhanced road safety measures to protect travelers, including law enforcement personnel.