New Delhi, Manoj Jha, a senior leader of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), has labeled the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as the most corrupt political entity in India’s history, referencing recent data on electoral bonds as evidence. This assertion challenges the BJP’s public stance on nationalism and implicates the party in leveraging state mechanisms for political advantage.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Jha highlighted information from the Indian Supreme Court’s website, arguing that it starkly contradicts the BJP’s self-portrayed image of patriotic integrity. He criticized the party’s leaders for extolling Prime Minister Narendra Modi over a nominal decrease in petrol prices, interpreting such actions as blatant sycophancy rather than genuine governance.
In the lead-up to the Lok Sabha elections, Jha scrutinized the government’s decision to slightly reduce petrol prices, suggesting it was a superficial attempt to influence public perception. Moreover, he pointed out a pattern of raids conducted by the Enforcement Directorate on private firms that later bought electoral bonds, insinuating a corrupt link between the BJP and corporate entities seeking political favor.
Jha’s comments reflect a broader critique of the BJP’s practices and raise serious questions about the integrity of India’s electoral financing system and the use of government power for party gain.