Rising Suicides Among Civilians and Troops in Kashmir Highlight Mental Health Crisis

Srinagar: On World Suicide Prevention Day, the increasing trend of suicides among civilians and Indian troops in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) sheds light on the severe psychological impact of the prolonged occupation. Events in Sopore and Bemina, organized by Civil Society Sopore and Medical College Bemina, respectively, aimed to raise awareness and address the growing mental health crisis in the region.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the extended occupation has led to significant mental health issues, emotional distress, and an increase in suicidal tendencies among both the local civilian population and Indian forces stationed in the territory. This distressing situation has prompted local organizations to take action to promote mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

Civil Society Sopore, led by Chairman Aashiq Hussain Zaki, focused on the importance of recognizing early warning signs and symptoms of suicidal thoughts. Zaki highlighted the crucial role individuals can play in suicide prevention by remaining vigilant and supportive of those exhibiting signs of mental distress.

At Medical College Bemina, discussions centered on altering the narrative around mental health, with the theme “Changing the narrative, start the conversation.” Experts emphasized the challenges of stigma and discrimination that often deter people from seeking help for mental health issues. The discussion also highlighted the mental health struggles of Indian troops in the region, who face similar challenges and are increasingly vulnerable to suicidal thoughts due to the stresses of their deployment.

The events concluded with a unified call to follow the National Suicide Prevention Strategy and enhance mental health support mechanisms in Kashmir, aiming to mitigate the impact of the occupation and improve the psychological well-being of all affected populations.