Lucknow, In a move that has garnered attention, the Uttar Pradesh government led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has appointed retired judge Ajaya Krishna Vishvesha as the ombudsman of Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University in Lucknow. Judge Vishvesha is known for his controversial decision allowing Hindus to conduct worship in the sealed basement of the Gyanvapi mosque complex, a ruling made on the day of his retirement as the Varanasi district judge on January 31.
According to Kashmir Media Service, this appointment occurs nearly a month after Judge Vishvesha facilitated Hindu worship at the Gyanvapi mosque, sparking significant debate and legal challenges. He has been appointed for a three-year term at the public university, where Chief Minister Adityanath serves as the chairperson. This marks Vishvesha as the inaugural individual to assume the role of ombudsman at the university.
The decision to permit Hindu worship in the Gyanvapi mosque’s basement was met with immediate opposition from the mosque’s caretakers, who deemed the order illegal and inappropriate. Their challenge to the order, and the rapid enforcement by the Varanasi administration, was taken up in the Allahabad High Court. However, the court ruled in favor of allowing the continuation of Hindu worship at the site on February 26.
This appointment is part of a series of significant appointments made by the Adityanath government, including the assignment of CBI special court judge Surendra Kumar Yadav as the deputy ombudsman in the state. Yadav is noted for his verdict on September 30, 2020, which acquitted senior BJP leaders in the Babri Masjid demolition case.
The appointment of Judge Vishvesha has further highlighted the intertwining of judiciary decisions with the political landscape in Uttar Pradesh, reflecting the ongoing complexities of religious and cultural tensions in the region.