Srinagar, In the Kupwara district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, residents have taken to the streets, blocking the Kupwara-Karnah road in protest against what they describe as the anti-people policies of the Indian authorities. The demonstration, particularly driven by women, highlighted issues regarding the lack of essential services such as water and electricity.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the protest was a direct response to the authorities’ indifference towards providing basic amenities to the district’s people. The demonstrators, including a significant number of women, voiced their grievances about the severe water shortage and frequent power outages in the area.
The roadblock led to dozens of vehicles being stranded as protesters occupied the road, chanting slogans against the occupation authorities. The demonstrators expressed their deep frustration with the ongoing situation, particularly emphasizing the hardships brought about by the prolonged lack of water and electricity.
Women participating in the protest pointed out the authorities’ failure to supply water to over a hundred households in the area. Their frustrations were palpable as one of the protesters stated, In fact, they have taken us on a ride, forcing us to register our protest.
A police party arrived at the scene in response to the demonstration. The protest eventually dispersed peacefully after the intervention of the police.