Report Highlights Severe Impact of Militarization on Education in Kashmir

Islamabad: A new report underscores the profound disruptions to education in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), linking the region’s longstanding conflict and militarization directly to the deteriorating academic environment for local students.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the educational pursuits of children in IIOJK are being severely hindered by the ongoing conflict and militaristic policies. The report criticizes the actions of Indian troops who, rather than facilitating access to education, are allegedly harassing and humiliating students.

The report also targets recent educational reforms under the Modi regime, accusing it of shutting down hundreds of schools operated by the Falah-e-Aam Trust—a move purportedly aimed at depriving Kashmiri youth of quality education. Furthermore, the implementation of an education policy reflective of RSS ideology is causing significant distress among students, who are daily witnesses to violence and instability in their communities.

Another point of concern highlighted in the report is the cultural imposition within educational settings, where Muslim students are reportedly compelled to partake in Hindu religious songs and rituals such as ‘Surya Namaskar.’ Additionally, frequent internet suspensions have further crippled educational access and quality, exacerbating the challenges faced by students in IIOJK.

The report also documents the discrimination faced by Kashmiri students in mainland India, including harassment and expulsion from educational institutions. It concludes with a call to the international community to intervene and assist in securing the educational rights of Kashmiri students, ensuring they can pursue their studies without fear or hindrance.