Report Critiques Bollywood’s Portrayal of Kashmir, Calls for Accurate Depictions

Islamabad: The Legal Forum for Kashmir (LFK) has released a detailed report accusing Bollywood of distorting the political realities of Kashmir and contributing to a misrepresentation of its Muslim identity.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the report titled “Hindu Nationalism, Islamophobia, and the Obfuscation of Military Occupation in Kashmir,” analyzes the film industry’s compliance with Hindu nationalist agendas. It documents a marked shift in cinematic portrayals beginning in the 1990s, which increasingly demonizes Muslims and aligns with Hindu nationalist views, detracting from the true nature of the conflict and the human rights issues at stake.

LFK’s analysis suggests that these skewed narratives in popular media serve to obscure the genuine political struggles in Kashmir, influencing public opinion against the Kashmiri demand for self-determination. The organization calls for a change in how Indian cinema approaches the subject of Kashmir, advocating for depictions that respect the region’s complexity and the realities of its inhabitants.

The report also appeals to the international community to recognize and address the ongoing human rights violations in Kashmir, emphasizing the need for global awareness and intervention to support the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination.